
I’ve noticed this quarter that my weeks tend to *really* only start to move and jive by mid-week.  That said, things have been slow but I’m refocusing my attention on thesis stuff and trying to “energize” myself about the work ahead of me.  I can’t spend too much time updating tonight, but I’ll highlight a few things from today:

1. A high of 57?  Evanston, you’re finally coming around to spring weather, eh?  Friday’s high is 79 (WITH ONLY A LOW OF 60–nuts!)…we’re quite excited here.  I should note that I wore my winter coat to RUF large group last night.  That said, I’m excited for this warm front.

2. I had an unexpected yet good (and very timely) conversation with my friend Andrew today.  His encouragement and thoughtfulness really asserted that we need the support of friends to give us new things to consider or at least offer new approaches to confronting the stress in our lives.  Points for conversation and Whole Foods coffee!

3. I am in the process of turning over the reigns for the student group I’ve been leading the past couple years: the Undergraduate English Association.  It’s weird to turn over the responsibilities but very, very necessary.

More to come later, but I hope everybody is doing well!

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