The Waiting Game

Do you ever wake up feeling like the world woke up without you?

I know, it sounds strange. Yet, that’s kind of how I felt this morning. I didn’t *really* have anywhere to be today, and after tossing and turning in bed last night (and finally reading and putzing around on my netbook for a couple hours), I went to bed pretty late.  Naturally, I slept in, but when I woke up I felt as if I was already behind, or that I didn’t have that much to get up and out of bed to do, you know?  Okay, maybe that’s a matter of “motivation.”

Job hunting has been a slow process.  And no word back from anyone yet…(slightly disheartening but it’s still early).  I found a handful of D.C. positions on Craigslist yesterday, so my goal is to revisit them today and send out some resumes.  Most of my job search has been targeted in NC, but I know I need to get myself out there as much as possible.

Anyway, all of that brings me to this feeling.  I am now in week three of my post-college life.  I have a handful of commitments here and there (i.e. random appointments, hanging out with friends, etc.), but otherwise…my days are pretty open.  I mean, I have been investing a great deal of energy on my job search, which is a time-consuming process.  Between finding positions and then revising resumes and cover letters to send out that fit said positions, well, it’s quite the project!  I am really enjoying the downtime around all of that, don’t get me wrong.  But the nagging feeling of “wanting to know what I’ll be doing” or “actually doing something” sits with me on some mornings.  I guess that’s the underlying impetus of this feeling: that the world woke up without me.  Everybody is doing their own thing, and I am on hiatus; in transition; waiting.

I’ll be flying home next week to visit my family and a few friends, as well as attend Justin’s wedding (eep!).  I’m so excited about the occasion, though it is a little surreal for one of my closest friends to get married.  I’m sure it’ll seem like a  familiar notion as more people tie the knot, but it is a marker of how me–and others–are getting older.

I am continuing on with the job search (that’s all I can do, right?).  At the suggestion of an old NGSP co-worker, I’m also attending the American Library Association Annual Conference (July 11-14), which is conveniently hosted in Chicago this year.  Hundreds of publishing companies come in for the event, so I’ll walk around the exhibits and do some “creative networking.”  We’ll see what happens.  I still have to get things ready for that and figure out which days I’ll attend.

As a final, unrelated note, I started watching Lost again.  I am steadily catching up on the series.  I got through season two last week, and I’m on the last six or so episodes of season three right now; it’s wildly addicting, ha.

Okay, I have some errands to run and more jobs to apply for.  I hope wherever you are, you are doing well, friends.  I’ll be in touch soon.

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